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29Jun 2020

Open Research Europe Publishing Platform is being set up

At the beginning of 2021, a European platform for open publishing is to be launched. This platform is addressed especially for the outputs of the European projects Horizon2020 and Horizon

29Jun 2020

The San Francisco Declaration on Research Evaluation (DORA)

The San Francisco Declaration on Research Evaluation (DORA) was issued in 2012, but is still current. You can find its text on DORA website. The declaration calls for a change

24Jun 2020

General information on ACS’s and APS’s processing charges (APC)

TBU authors have a 250 USD discount on author fees at American Chemical Society. If one of the authors is also a member of ACS, he recieves an additional discount

19Jun 2020

New version of Sherpa Romeo and Sherpa Fact

Sherpa Romeo is an online resource that aggregates and analyses publisher OpenAccess policies of magazines or publishers.With Sherpa Romeo you can find out under which conditions you can share your

19Jun 2020

General Information on MDPI’s Article Processing Charges (APC)

On the basis of the signed lincence agreement TBU authors are entitled to a 10% discount when paying APC. Only one discount is permitted per paper. At least one author